domingo, abril 13, 2008

gomeria (8)

gomeria (8), originally uploaded by NzRn.

Hice una búsqueda con la palabra gomeria, encontré este magnífico retrato. Felicitaciones a su autor.
I made a search with the word "gomeria", I found this magnificent picture. Congratulations to its author.

Esta fotografía pertenece a la Expo Flickr: Gomería.

martes, abril 08, 2008

retrato con palomas / portrait with doves

Esta fotografía me atrapo, la luz y la composición, sobretodo la mirada del niño. Felicitaciones a su autor.
This photography I catch myself, the light and the composition, coverall the glance of the boy. Congratulations to its author.

lunes, abril 07, 2008


VIENDO PASAR "ELS GEGANTS", originally uploaded by beagle34.

Saltando de comentario en comentario, encontré esta fotografía. Me pareció hermosa y quise compartirla. Felicitaciones a su autor.
Jumping of commentary in commentary, I found this photography. It seemed to me beautiful and I share it. Congratulations to its author.

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